 A couple of weeks ago I went to Boston. Now you have to know that Boston is almost my second home. Kate MacDonald, better know on the Island as Kate Reggie Alex from Souris [now of Halifax as well] had agreed to take me by plane - on her bonus points - to attend a school reunion down there. I was busy and for awhile didn't think I could fit i... MORE >>

 On the night of Canada Day, thirty years ago, I stood at a window at Beaconsfield overlooking the crowds coming from Victoria Park after the Fireworks. Thousands of people were there that night and so was the Queen of England. Remember it was the centennial of PEI joining Confederation - The Place to be in'73. It was a beautiful night and mood was... MORE >>

Our Heritage Spaces
 Since the very early days of Charlottetown, Queen Square was the centre of government, market, court and church, with our seat of government as its focal point.
Throughout the last years a the 19th century exceptional efforts were made to beautify the square and it became a place of great pride to all Islanders and their visitors.
It was ont... MORE >>

New Zealand
 Thirty years ago this month we were busy at the Heritage Foundation putting the final touches on Beaconsfield. It was to be officially opened on July 2nd by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. We were working down to the wire. The phone rang and it was a lady from New Zealand who was in New York and "wanted to come over" because her g... MORE >>
 No Smoking
 Yesterday The Smoke Free Places Act came into effect on PEI. No public places like bars and restaurants can have smoking sections unless they construct a very specially ventilated room and they can't serve food or drinks in it. It is a progressive step. It has taken a long time, especially when you consider the article I read in the December 19, ... MORE >>
 Inkerman Shore
 In the late forties we were at the cottage at Inkerman Shore. It seems funny now because it really was at the end of Colonel Gray Drive very much within our present city limits. We use to move from Hillsboro Street [then spelt that way] virtually across town for the summer. Our friends the MacDonald did worse than that; they lived on Ambrose Str... MORE >>

Brian MacKay-Lyons
 Friday night, the 16th of May, at the K. C. Irving Building on the UPEI campus the Friends of The Farm are welcoming Brian MacKay-Lyons as their guest speaker. Brian is an internationally recognized architect in Halifax and for Islanders it is important to know that he is married to one of Stu MacKay's daughters. His topic will be "Public Spaces... MORE >>
 Basil Greenhill
 In spring of 1972 it was decided that the prime focus of the '73 Centennial Celebration was going to be heritage, heritage, heritage. It was quite a controversial time. I think I have written about it before. Anyway by June we knew that we were going to have a place to celebrate our fisheries history, our agricultural history and our ship buildi... MORE >>
 Cultural Circles
 Lately I have been thinking a lot about the Cultural Circles that are keeping the downtown of Charlottetown alive these days. Just think about it: the Confederation Centre in the old Market Square - a place that brings together, [at least on an average] 700 ++ persons a night during the summer months and the ambience of the downtown attracts doub... MORE >>

Daylight Saving Time
Dark Sky Week

Canadian Collector
Community Concerts
Grocery Stories
I'm back

For Peter Mitchell

Bring Back The Beaches
Downtown Connectors
Follow Up on Canada Day
Happy Canada Day
Old Protestant Burying Ground


A Year Ago
Curtain Call
Charlottetown, our hometown
A. W. Mitchell - Photographer
More on Houle
Mother's Day
Murray Adaskin
A New Federal Building
Ruby Houle

Downtown Residents Meeting
Queen Mother's Funeral
Our War Memorials
A Beautiful Summer Resort
Easter Greetings

Arbor Day
Heritage Canada
The Island Way
The Garrison Ball
Oscar Night
The Hillsborough River
A Contracting Firm
I Said Julie don't go
Friends of The Farm

Blinded By Light
Hockey Hockey
Tick-Tick, Tick-Tock
Early Tourism
Friends of The Farm Meeting
Happy Heritage Day
Nora, Nora, Nora
The Dear Confederation Centre
A Tribute To Princess Margaret Rose
Victoria Park again
A Christmas Treat
Griswold, a civil servant
Charlottetown Experimental Station
A Liberal Story
Victoria Park

Peter Gzowski [1934-2002]
Rudyard Kipling 1865-January 18, 1936
Happy Birthday Ole
Public Transit
Autumn 2001
Happy New Year Everyone

Happy Christmas to All

The Sanatorium
The Old Saint Dunstan's Gym
The Mayor is in Gloucestor, Mass.

Vic Runtz 1922-2001
I'm Number 2522
A Wedding
Eaton's on Kent Street
Happy Canada Day

Fred Hyndman on Catherine
New Proposal for Waterfront [from Ottawa]
Ottawa Here We Come
Dr. John H. Maloney 1918-2001
William Cobbett
Museum Day and Arbor Day
The Palace

Joy of Music

The Silent Balloon Protest
International Theatre Week
Tribute to Poetry
Happy Saint Patrick's Day
Beware the Ides Of March
The Cummiskeys
A Post Office Delivered My Post
An Anniversary
The Forum

Roller Coaster Ride
Gaelyne Craig Gabora
An Island Get Together
Successful Islanders Aboard
New Federal Government Building
Saving Small Old buildings
Don Stacey
Wendell Boyle 1940's-2001

Culture in Our City
Return from the West
Anniversary of the death of King George the 5th
Another Dark-Sky Newsletter
Winter Evening

Happy Christmas
My E-Mail Address
Our Government House
Elizabeth Bishop Connection

November the 30th
Two, Two, Two
Oscar Wilde
Fine Art Excitement
An apology
Politicians and The Arts

A Conundrum
Seafaring Days
All Candidates Meeting
My Grandfather
Trudeau [updated with photos]

Issues to think about Downtown Residents
Andrew Collard
Public Relief
Blue Fields
September Week
End Of Summer

Forty Years of Medicine
Standard Of Living

Royal Visit Picture Album [Updated]
Johnny Hatch Day
Marc Gallant 1945 - 1994
The Fishers Are Coming
Summertime and the Living is Easy
A Suzie Knickerbooker report on the State Dinner
Happy Birthday Pierre Berton
The Royal Are Coming
Happy Canada Day
The Boston States and Back

Advice from a Friend
News from Edinburgh
Our Landscape

Meeting Maurice Richard
Concerns from March 9th Residents Meeting
Council meeting
Traffic and Transportation
A Streetscape Design
Our Downtown Liquor Store
Our Co-op Store
International Museum Day: Thoughts on the Art Gallery
Arbor Day
Curtain Up
A Second Downtown Residents Meeting
Sorry, Sorry, Sorry,
A disoriented range light

Canada Book Week
Wood Lots
Dog River House [now with photo!]
The Hillsborough River
Advice from the eldest sister
Earth Day Enjoy It
Walter Jones' Cows
John Steinbeck Has Gone Overseas For Guardian Readers
Good Friday Tradition
Advertising works
April is Poetry Month
Another poem
Attention David Mackenzie
Grand Provincial Cultural Exhibition
Family Day versus Heritage Day
Another Poem
Rural Island
An Art Rally For The Politicians
Peter Rukavina's Birthday
Eighty-Six Years Old on the 4th
Dark-Sky Association

A Horse Story for John Cousins
Confederation Centre of The Arts
A review of my causes
Old Protestant Burying Ground
The Downtown Meeting
Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation
The Furnishings of 19th Century Prince Edward Island
My main cause
A Thought
Who are you?
Downtown Residents Meeting

This is an introduction
