A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


About this Website

THIS IS CATHERINE HENNESSEY'S WEBSITE, which only makes sense given its name. And I am Catherine Hennessey. On this website you will find my occassional musings about the issues I care so passionately about -- Charlotte Town, Island history, architecture, design, heritage, culture -- as well as bits of entirely unrelated information.

Under the hood, this website is designed and maintained by Peter Rukavina of Reinvented Inc.. He can make you a website just like this if you like. May a thousand .com's flow forth.

(c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

Website design and construction by Reinvented Inc.

ISSN 1496-3108