A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


Winter Evening

There is nothing like the rural landscape from which to view the sky - particularly when you don't crowd it with yard lights. Something that you become very aware of are the phases of the moon. We hear much of moonlight nights, new moons, waxing and waning. That waning is the interesting time. It leads to almost pitch black. Old timers tell us that during the dark of the moon "plants orient themselves toward their roots and sap rushes downward". Well I got oriented toward my roots tonight for it certainly was the dark of the moon.

I had to go to the farm about 5:30. I must get the lane ploughed and some oil in. My neighbour, Barry started to plough this afternoon and because of the incrediable amount of snow he sheared a pin and the was the end of the exercise for today. He was only half way down. Did I have enough oil? I was not sure and the nights are cold. So out I go with snow shoes and Nellie in tow. It was quite a trek, with my heart pounding, and it was so dark. You can run into things like fence posts or bushes or snow drifts when it is the dark of the moon, but the whiteness does help somewhat. . But, peace on earth, my furnace was on and I have enough oil to do for a few days.

It was a stressful trip out, but once my problems turned out to be less serious than they could have been and I took in the beauty of the land, my snow shoeing back to the road - helped by the lights of David Weale's truck on the road - I was joyful. It would be hard for you, who visit in the summer, to imagine Cranberry Wharf as it appeared this evening.

Written Wednesday, January 17, 2001 at 10:46 PM

(c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

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