A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


Concerns from March 9th Residents Meeting

Shopping Concerns

  • good grocery store like Taweels' used to be or like Brighton Grocery ... it was agreed that exceptional people were needed to run it. [buying power is a big problem]
  • Farmers' Market maybe in Founder's Hall [question is how appealing will the waterfront be for the twelve-month users?]
  • Co-op Grocery - more relevant - market/bistro model - suggest that people become member and go to meetings- Suggestion made that a meeting should be arranged with the board [almost too late and anyway they do not ask the opinion of the members] - suggest someone else be found to run it.
  • Bakery - better liquor store


  • too much noise
  • smells from kitchen fans
  • need non conforming solutions


  • better, improved,
  • better snowplowing - ice and snow problems
  • the roof drains throughout the downtown generally run right over the sidewalks
  • some say that the side walk plow makes things worse


    • Queen Street needs sprucing up [this matter will be discussed on June 1]
    • Underground wiring - more of it
    • Responsive civic infrastructure [should that be responsible?]
    • Sympathic in-fill
    • City Garage moved and replaced with residential - [this zoning has occurred and when the garage goes we'll watch]

    University Avenue

  • Improved streetlighting ...
  • More garbage pails [need them in winter, too]


    • More of them. maintained, pruned better planning....
    • More care given to choosing the trees
    • Crow problem -someone suggested culling


    • need to express ideas to traffic study
    • More control on Water Street
    • Noise, pollution, basic traffic code
    • Good example from cabs and police and city trucks
    • Public Transit - are there good examples?
    • Traffic lights needed at corner of Prince and Water
    • More Walking Lights. some lights too long for pedestrian particularly at Queen and Kent

    Schools Downtown

    More people

    • Incentive for restoration [there is a beginning on this]
    • Responsible landlords and tenants
    • Community Gardens [something already done about that call Kelly at 626-3908 or Lesley at 626-3385]


    • more inside parking
    • a through look at it - is residential parking working?

    Animal Control

    • enforced by-laws
    • barking dogs

    Bootleggers too obvious

    More art, music sculpture

    Street front planning office

    Home base business tolerance [most of the 500 Lot area is sympathic to this]

    Police - more foot patrol

    We asked for people to give him things they liked about Charlottetown and here they are: Victoria Row, Galleries, restaurants, walk everywhere, lots to walk to, beautiful, history, public library, stabilized neighbourhoods, variety of churches, parks, vitality, sense of community, swimming, Confederation Centre, manageable size, relative safe, Delta Hotel, bookstores, City Cinema, lamp posts, visitors, bootleggers, landscaping...

    Written Monday, May 29, 2000 at 06:14 PM

  • (c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

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