A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


Canadian Collector

The Canadian Antique Collector - a journal of antiques and fine arts - was a ground breaking magazine. It was the first time that Canadianna was given full prominence in a magazine format. It began just in time for Canada's `67 Centennial. Marion Bradshaw, a lady of extraordinary vigour and good taste, was the editor and carried the magazine through at least twenty years of great information. By the mid 80's the Canadian scene had changed and Canadianna was truly recognized as something to be reckoned with. The Macdonald Stewart Foundation was the patron. David and Lillian Stewart believed in the subject. Yes, he was the man who supported the Brier for years. In addition to their support of the magazine they also sponsored three wonderful symposiums. One in Montreal, one in Toronto and one in Guelph. These symposiums brought Canadians together from across the land. Presented under Marion's direction, they provided a rich view of, not only antiques and fine arts, but food, music, flower arrangements and Canadian vistas that enriched the lives of a whole generation of Canadians working in the heritage field. I have friends all across this land because of those symposiums. In 1970 Marion conceived the idea of doing some special issues that would focus on one province at a time. Nova Scotia was the first and it came out January/February 1972. It set a high standard. Marion came to the Island and started on us to produce a Island issue. It was important if we were to do it, that we would have a magazine out for our 1973 Centennial. It was a worry. It would be our coming out - our first time on the national stage. I was the Island co-coordinator. The effort began in earnest in the summer. Great discussions took place on what we would cover and who would write the articles. I'm still proud of the line up; Dr. Bolger, Ian Robertson, Leslie Maloney, Mary Burnett, Gary Carroll, Irene Rogers and Ruth MacKenzie, Moncrieff Williamson, Marc Gallant, John Cousins, Leone Ross - even Corneilus Howatt was in there. The package was delivered to Marion about ten days before Christmas. It was difficult and exhausting to get everyone to produce on time, but you know that magazine is still being used by students of Island things and, sad to say, is almost the only printed information on some of the subjects we covered in the issue. Why I thought about all of this, is that the magazine was launched in March 1973 - thirty years ago this month. It is hard to believe.

Written Friday, March 28, 2003 at 09:20 AM

(c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

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ISSN 1496-3108