A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day to all in my cyber world from Charlottetown. We are the home of this year's CBC Canada Day show and fireworks. Check it out on your TV around ten o'clock p.m. and you'll get the picture. These passed days we have been a hum of activity. There has been a huge stage built at Confederation Landing Park - and much to our surprise a real Tom Sawyer fence built all around. That is to assure that only ticket holders get inside. Those who live along Water Street can get the view from their upstairs windows. It is a reasonable gift for the inconveniences they may suffer over the week-end.

Most downtown residents don't mind these singular events. What bothers them most are the weekly gatherings at one bar on the water front and the impolite crowds they seem to attract. It is a common problem in many tourist driven communities as to how to balance the year around residents needs with those who want to party. [Oh, oh, the downtown residents like parties, too, but .....].

Down across from THE STAGE on the old railway lands is what we use to called the Bill Lynch Show. It almost seems sacrilegious to have this show appear anytime but at Old Home Week and Exhibition. It makes it all so common. Remember the cotton candy that we waited for all summer . It now comes in blue, too. The buzz of the Crown and Anchor wheel brought back memories, too. That was our introduction to gambling. Bingo and the Tilt a Whirl were there when I walked around as well as the Merry go Round. The Ferris Wheel has been replaced by something called the Zipper. But I assure you the people look the same that run the concessions and you can definitely find the same cross section of people there as we always did. Last night I didn't see any little girls coming off the rides with green faces, but if I go this afternoon I am sure I will.

My contribution to Canada Day this year is a new flag pole. Yesterday I dug the hole for the form, mixed the bag of pre-mix cement and put in the sleeve. I checked this morning and the cement is hard, and I hope the sleeve is straight because I'll put the pole in today. I am looking for a VIP to raise the flag for the first time.

Betty and Mary Claire will be on Saturna Island for the Lamb Barbecue and between there and here many friends will I am sure be doing specials things. I hope it is a great day for all.

Written Monday, July 01, 2002 at 01:18 AM

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