A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


Peter Rukavina's Birthday

To celebrate this event I am cooking dinner for him and a few of his friends, since his Catherine left today to visit family in Ontario. His birthday cake is going to be a Chocolate Chip Chiffon Cake with Almond Crunch - how does that sound? It is right off the cover of "fine Cooking". Worthy of someone who puts you in cyberspace, I'd say. You can send birthday messages here any time after 6 p.m. PEI time. Happy Birthday, Peter

Written Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 01:07 AM

(c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

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