A   V I E W   F R O M   C H A R L O T T E T O W N ,   P R I N C E   E D W A R D   I S L A N D


The Silent Balloon Protest

[Note: this is Peter here; Catherine will no doubt come and edit this description sometime soon; for now, the words are only mine] This afternoon, a rag-tag group of downtown residents (okay, it was just two of us) staged a small silent demonstration of the height of a new condominium development proposed for the area south of Founders' Hall on Charlottetown's waterfront off Prince Street. As proposed by a private developer, the development would be 5 stories, or 76' tall, towering over the old machine shed which is becoming Founders' Hall. We raised our three giant yellow balloons to 76 feet in the air to demonstrate just how out of proportion this development would be. A good time was had by all. City Hall has scheduled a public meeting for Tuesday, April 3 to discuss the issue.

Click on any picture for a larger view

The Yellow Balloons

Water St.,
looking South

Founders' Hall

Founders' Hall

Visitor Centre

On the Phone

No Condos in
Artist's Rendering!

Across Water St.

In front of CFCY

Approach to
Founders' Hall

From Prince St.

From King St.

I'm [CGH] back and is it not great to have a doula who has a digital camera and the ability to orgnaize a page so well. Just thought I'd add that none of us are against having good up-scale apartments/condos added to our downtown. We need them and because we really believe we are living in the best part of town - BUT - there is a scale issue and to deprive that great building the Old Machine Shed with all its new and expensive windows of all southern light shows simply poor planning. Our waterfront is precious and deserves the most talented planning heads to be put together for all our benefits. Spaces between buildings are as important as the buildings themselves. Please contemplate this issue carefully and come to the meeting on Tuesday and be heard. Let us drink to City Beautiful.

Written Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 11:13 AM

(c) 2000 by Catherine Hennessey. Questions or comments? Email me@catherinehennessey.com

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